Monday 16 April 2007

term 3 project?

So my idea for this project is still a bit fuzzy or maybe its just the time of night. The last project left me thinking about our own personal views of ourselves and how these can be manipulated by the media. I now want to take this to perhaps a more personal level and start looking at identity, whether this is in general looking at the idea of identity and what that means in society or perhaps going on to looking at my own personal identity is something that will progress through investigation. I have other ideas of looking even at identity theft as research, the act of actually stealing someones identity, what does that mean, where could i go with that? well for the moment i shall go and think...

1 comment:

Paul Cosgrove said...

interesting ideas. perhaps have a look at some of Douglas Gordon's very early work. if you pull together some thoughts and visuals we could have a chat on Thursday