Monday 16 April 2007

Oh decisions!

* I did have something all written out but due to my utter stupidness it went bye bye so I have to write it all out again when I cant remember it all *slaps head*

Right well I have had much thought over this project, most of it leading nowhere. I have been trying to decide where I should go with this new project, should I pick something completely new, just pick an object and start a fresh? But I can’t seem to get my mind off the last project we done and how I felt there was still much I wanted to do. For me I felt that project was unfinished and had wanted to continue with it.

My last project had focused on the feminine ideal in the media, where it focused on the projection of certain types of female image onto society. It began with looking at the image but then progressed to looking more at text and as a piece of work I projected certain words across myself. This then led into the last piece of work I done which was embossing words onto my skin * I liked the use of embossing on the skin, I felt this was a more personal and extreme way to show the effect of words on the mind and body. I find it interesting the reaction the skin has to the harshness of embossing (the redness of the skin, the harsh markings like a brand). I am interested in embossing and would like to use it again in my following project, maybe developing this approach further*

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