Wednesday 18 April 2007

catherine Balet - identity

Happened to start looking at books in Waterstones and found one by Catherine Balet, surprisingly enough entitled "identity". It was a series of photographs of teenagers in their school uniforms, whether in actual uniform or their own clothes, looking at London, paris, Milan and Berlin. What caught my eye were the photos she had took which focused on their shoes. I thought this would be an interesting thing to try out myself as there is alot you can tell or maybe assume about a person just by looking at certain type of clothing they wear, especially their shoes. I wish to take photographs of peoples shoes (while they are in them of course), giving no information along with the photos about the person, i wish for people to form their own opinion about the person and possible leave their comments on this page or i may just ask people.

At the moment i am following this idea because it interests me, dont know where its going, dont even know if i explain it well but oh well....

heres a webpage about the artist, doesnt say much but there is a link on the right that takes you to a page that will actually explain better what her photographs are about????

catherine balet

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